Potentially Improve Your Academic Performance


Contributed by Julie Clark

Have you been diagnosed with a learning disability? Do you have trouble with maintaining your attention, writing papers, completing those LONG readings for class, or simply getting yourself to complete an assignment?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then the Therapeutic Listening Program might be for you!!

This is a UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to work with NEW, HIGHLY INNOVATIVE technology for FREE that can potentially help you with symptoms you may be experiencing due to your learning disability!

FREE UNIQUE EXPERIENCE, FREE SERVICES 5 times a week with a chance to potentially improve your attention, motivation, posture, motor performance, academic skills, health & wellbeing!

SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE???? This technology is NOT something you can find at Wegmans!!!!

There will be a raffle for a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE to Amazon.com upon completion of the research study!!

DON’T MISS OUT! SIGN UP NOW and help out the Occupational Therapy graduate research group while getting a unique & free opportunity!!!

E-mail Jenna Darkow (graduate OT student) at jdarkow1@ithaca.edu or Dr. Melinda Cozzolino (associate professor of the OT department) at mcozzoli@ithaca.edu by October 5th to sign up and/or with any questions!

Research sessions will run for 1 hour, 5 days a week, for 8 weeks at the Ithaca College OT/PT clinic in CHS. You need to be at least 18 years old to participate in the study. There is minimal risk (such as that experienced during a typical 30 minute workout ie- fatigue and muscle soreness) involved in the study and you can withdraw at ANY time if you are uncomfortable.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Occupational Therapy graduate Therapeutic Listening Research group at jdarkow@ithaca.edu. We ask that accommodations be made as soon as possible.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact E-mail Jenna Darkow (graduate OT student) at jdarkow1@ithaca.edu or Dr. Melinda Cozzolino mcozzoli@ithaca.edu . We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

