The Roy H. Park School of Communications is pleased to host a series of events to help kick-off Alumni Weekend.
These events include networking opportunities for students, faculty, staff and alumni as well as two featured panels focusing on issues in the communications field.
Alumni-Student Networking Reception
Front lawn of Park
Donuts and Cider will be provided
"Emerging Media: What's Next?"
Park School Alumni Panel, Park Auditorium
Moderated by: Professor Devan Rosen and Ali Erkan
What's next after Google Glasses, mobile apps, 3D TV, and Facebook? Emerging media platforms and devices are changing our relationship with each other, with information, and with media content. The media content we consume is often being produced by unique sources, distributed by decentralized connections, and exhibited in new spaces. What’s next?
"New Ways to Get Publicity for Yourself and Your Organization"
Park School Alumni Panel, Park Auditorium
Moderated by: Professors Arhlene Flowers and Adam Peruta
Whether you need to promote yourself or your company or nonprofit, this panel shares insight on how to differentiate yourself from the competition. From the traditional to the unconventional, the panelists explain how to use a variety of social media, mainstream media, contests, promotions, events, and other creative and strategic ways to get noticed in a cluttered marketplace.
(Reception and panel sessions are free and open to the public)
"Pitch It"
6:00-9:00 p.m.
Park Auditorium
The Park School will host its Third “Pitch It” Night. This is chance for students to “Pitch” their ideas, show concepts, new online business ideas, a film concept, a unique event, visual art concept, marketing ideas, and/or a new product idea – anything! They will their idea to a panel of alumni who will provide feedback and give you suggestions on next steps. To register for this event please contact April Johanns at
(Registration is required for "Pitch It" sessions. Sessions are only open to registered students and the panel"
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact April Johanns at or (607) 274-1789. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.