We are looking for young children with delayed or restricted motor development who will be between the ages of 5 months and 3 years, less than 35 lbs, who can sit independently or with external support, and who are not yet able to move about freely by crawling or walking. Your child can help us in our work to develop a robot that children with disabilities can use to explore their environment in ways that would otherwise be unavailable to them.
We anticipate the robot sessions will take place in our Movement Lab on the Ithaca College campus, or at another mutually agreeable site. Fourteen sessions will take place within 2 months, and will require up to 60 minutes for each session. A $20.00 incentive will be offered per session to defray transportation costs.
If you are interested in participating in this project (or if you know someone who might be), please contact us!
Hélène Larin, PT, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Ithaca College
Phone: (607) 274-3116
E-mail: hlarin@ithaca.edu