Sara Haefeli (music) speaks at John Cage Festival in Boulder, Colorado


Contributed by Sara Haefeli

The Colorado University Cage Festival began with a Colloquium Series featuring Sara Haefeli from Ithaca College, David Patterson, an independent scholar from Oak Park,
Illinois, and Chris Shultis, from the University of New Mexico presenting "Perspectives on the Legacy of John Cage: A Panel Discussion."

John Cage (September 5, 1912 - August 12, 1992) was an experimental music composer as well a distinguished and prominent figure in the development of 20th century music. He was an early writer of aleatoric music, used instruments in non-standard ways, and was an electronic music pioneer.  The Pendulum New Music Concert Series along with the Colorado University College of Music celebrate Cage's 100th birthday with this year's Cage Festival.