Project Look Sharp is Ithaca College’s award-winning educational initiative within the School of Humanities and Sciences. Project Look Sharp supports media literacy integration into K-12 and college-level classrooms. Our organization provides media literacy materials, lesson plans, curriculum kits, and workshops to help educators effectively integrate media literacy into classroom curricula. Join our on-campus Project Look Sharp team to help promote 21st century skills in critical thinking and media literacy for the next generation. You may choose a 1.5 through 3 credit internship, and we accept all majors!
View our diverse list of internships for Spring 2013 below, and visit our website for more information.
Document Research:
Collaborate with Project Look Sharp’s lead author, Sox Sperry, and federal archive librarians to research primary source documents for use in elementary through college teaching. After an introduction to media literacy and constructivist media decoding teaching method, you will begin researching for a number of projects. These projects include linking Project Look Sharp online media lessons to resources in the Library of Congress and creating a science teacher resource list to be published on the Project Look Sharp web site.
Video Production:
Use your expertise in video production to promote critical thinking about media messages for Project Look Sharp. Work collaboratively with Project Look Sharp’s Director of Curriculum and Staff Development to create a variety of innovative short videos that promote our work and teach educators about media literacy practices. These instructional videos will be used in workshops and will be posted to our website, Vimeo, and Youtube. Experience with Final Cut Pro or equivalent is required.
Promotion and Marketing:
Gain skills and experience in marketing and promotion and an understanding of media literacy by working with our media expert and a small team of includes the following activities based on assigned concentration:
Concentration 1: Database and Website Marketing
Concentration 2: Design Marketing
Concentration 3: Social Media Marketing
Concentration 4: Media Outreach Marketing
If interested, go to to download or complete an online application. Send to: Sherrie Szeto at, or drop off to 104 Williams Hall. Call 607-274-3471 for further questions.