Staff Council challenges departments to showcase their creative talent by carving, sculpting, painting, or otherwise transforming a pumpkin into an irresistible Halloween masterpiece. Rally your co-workers to join you for some seasonal fun and friendly competition... ALL for a great cause!!
Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Staff Council Caring and Sharing Committee at Ithaca College.
We'll even scoop the goop! Staff Council will supply hallowed-out pumpkins on Thursday, October 25th for contestants to “do your pumpkin thing." Reserve YOUR pumpkin by Monday, October 22nd at
Decorated pumpkins will be displayed in the Main Lobby of the Campus Center between 11am-2pm on October 29-31. Contestants should deliver their entries to that location on Monday, October 29 between 11am-noon. "Votes" will be cast in the form of donations to your favorite pumpkin. A trophy will be awarded to the department whose pumpkin raises the most money. The winner will be announced on November 2nd.
Please design your entries to be appropriate for public display.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Karenn Reeter at or (607) 274-3182. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.