Finger Lakes Independence Center offers workshop on Women with Disabilities


Contributed by Kimberly Baker

Join Emily Papperman, Larry Roberts and Teri Reinemann of the Finger Lakes Independence Center for an interactive dialogue on "Women with Disabilities: Questioning Assumptions." This event takes place on Tuesday, October 23 at 12:15 PM in Clark Lounge.  Pizza will be provided to attendees!

At this workshop, we will take a peek into the lives of Bella, Bree and Barbara. In learning about their lives, we will ask what their stories reveal about them, about us, and the world in which we live. What assumptions do we make about women with disabilities and how do those assumptions guide our thoughts, our words, and our actions? What are the questions we should be asking of ourselves, to people around us and to those in positions of power?

This event is part of the Women’s Studies event series entitled, “From Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice: Reclaiming the Conversation on Sexual and Reproductive Issues.” As we head into the election session, politicians have focused almost exclusively on divisive issues like abortion and birth control. While these issues are important, the Women’s Studies program is interested in expanding the conversation to include the wide range of issues surrounding sexuality and reproduction, including sexual self-determination, decisions about if and when to have children, and the resources to raise children and keep families in tact. In our series of events, we have chosen to shine the spotlight on people often left out of the reproductive rights discourse, particularly queer people, people with disabilities, and immigrant families. For more information on this series, follow this link:

This event is free and open to the public. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kim Baker at or 607-274-5122. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.