Assistant Professor Justine Vosloo (ESS) Presents Research With Graduate Students


Contributed by Heather Hedges

Exercise and Sport Studies faculty and students represented Ithaca College at the 27th annual Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) conference held October 3-6 in Atlanta, GA. AASP is the premier international conference in sport and exercise psychology.

At AASP Assistant Professor Justine Vosloo (Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences) gave a lecture on a research study titled: "Examining the Impact of Mentoring on Retention of Collegiate Women Coaches". Study authors included: Justine Vosloo, Assistant Professor Miranda Kaye (Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences), along with Kristen Dieffenbach and Jack Watson (West Virginia University).

Three ESS graduate students presented a lecture and a poster that they collaborated with faculty on:

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Association for Applied Sport Psychology