The Humans vs Zombies Social Club would like to invite you to our day round on Saturday, November third. The day round provides people interested in the club with an opportunity to try out the game, without the commitment of playing an entire week.
The Humans vs Zombies Social Club would like to invite you to our day round on Saturday, November third. There will be a pregame meeting Friday, November 2nd in Textor 101 from 7-9pm for people interested in playing. There will also be registration before the day round, the pregame meeting is MANDATORY for people registered, or people wishing to register, except for extenuating circumstances that have been communicated ahead of time.
The day round provides people interested in the club with an opportunity to try out the game, without the commitment of playing an entire week. We expect to be playing from 10am-6pm, times are approximate. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO PLAY.
For more information or to register to play, please contact Ben Bartell at
For more information about our club, and to receive updates about the pre-game meeting, please join our Facebook group or IC Link listserv.
IC Link:
Hope to see you there!