Status of Tutoring for Remainder of Semester: After November 2, 2012, students will not be able to request tutoring for Fall 2012.


Contributed by Yolanda Clarke

Fall 2012 represents our highest number of students requesting services since we began peer tutoring in Fall 2009!

Although each year we have increased our tutoring staff to meet the rising demand for academic assistance, as of today, October 26, 2012, most of our peer tutors are booked/at capacity and we are unable to increase our hiring. 

For some courses, we are making small groups.  Individual one-on-one tutoring is extremely limited in most.  To further meet increasing student requests we have eliminated some of our course offerings and focused on those 1st year courses with the historic highest rates of Ds, Fs, and Ws.  We are also focusing on those courses which over the past two years have had high rates of requests for tutoring.

NOTE:  If we are hosting Peer Learning Group sessions for yoru courses, please encourage your students to attend the PLuGs.  PLuG exemptions may or may not be available.

Thank you for your advocacy and support of AES services.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or call 4-3381.

Yolanda Clarke, AES Director