Be part of a student research study!
A research team of students and professors from the department of Physical Therapy at Ithaca College are conducting a study looking at the relationship between hamstring strength and flexibility and the incidence of injury in college-age ballet dancers compared to non-dancers. We are recruiting subjects for this study who are females at least 18 years of age either with or without a history of being a dancer.
Participation will involve one 45-minute testing session held on campus. Participation will involve one 15-minute screening session where you will complete an Informed Consent Form and a screening form to obtain your injury and dance history. Following this screening, you will participate in a 30-minute testing session. During the testing session, your hamstring flexibility and strength will be measured. You will be asked to wear loose-fitting shorts to the session to allow for adequate mobility of the legs.
The information gathered will remain confidential. Results of this study will be made available to you at the completion of the study.
You may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time with no negative consequences. There is a slight risk of injury, but no greater than is associated with stretching or light activity.
In order to participate in the study, you must not have injured your hamstrings in the last 5 years.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Nancy Sarratori at
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Nancy Sarratori at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.