The National Residence Hall Honorary is proud to announce Ithaca College's Campus Winners and Honorable Mentions for our Of The Month Award recognition. These students, faculty and staff members were nominated for their extraordinary actions in the month of September. We thank you for your dedication and passion to Ithaca College!
Campus Winners:
Community Service Program: Emerson Halloween
Executive Board Member: Lee Henig
Institution Faculty/Staff: Mel Jensen
Residence Life Facutly/Staff: Cathy Wall
Resident Assistant: Angela Kramer
Residential Community: Lyon Hall RA's
Social Program: Fall Fest 2012
Honorable Mentions:
Patrick Walsh
Lyon Hall Staff
Jerome Williams
Claire Dehm
Jonathan Cummings
To find out more information about Of The Month Awards and the Ithaca College Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary, visit our website: