This just in...


Contributed by Marian Brown

... we are over half-way to our campus fundraising goal for the United Way campaign. With 132 donors heard from (23 first timers!), we currently stand at 54% of our campus goal of $65,000. But we have still not heard from 92% of our campus community!!! Don't be left out. Please open your United Way pledge packet and take a look at all the great work in our community that the United Way can support - with your help.

If you have never given to the United Way before, think about doing so this year. Even a $1 donation by payroll deduction each pay period would amount to a very nice sum in a year. And payroll deduction won't even start until January...

If you're wondering how to contribute to Superstorm Sandy relief efforts, you can designate your cash, check or credit card donation made now to the United Way to be directed to the American Red Cross or to the United Way affiliate office in the counties of affected communities, so those agencies can help with on-the-ground relief efforts.

So, as Thanksgiving fast approaches, let's think about the many, MANY things we all have to be grateful for, and think about "giving back" so others in our community can be grateful for your help and support as well.

Is YOUR pledge card in the campus mail yet? Everyone on campus should have received their pledge card by now - if you didn't get one for some reason, please contact Marian Brown (274-3787) to request a form.

Thanks from the 2012 Ithaca College United Way campaign committee.