Ithaca College maintains a Basic Qualified Business Reply Mail Permit, receiving over 13,000 returns during the last fiscal year. This means that we pay a lower per piece cost plus the postage on our returns. Effective January 28, 2013 all Qualified Business Reply Permit envelopes must have the Intelligent mail bar code.
Most departments’ Business Reply Envelopes have been changed to the new format but we have a few low volume departments that have been using up the old post net bar code format during the transition to mandatory compliance.
After January 28, 2013, these will not be accepted.
I am requesting that all departments recycle old postnet barcode Business Reply Envelopes after January 2, 2013. This will ensure that they are not in the mail stream. The new format can be ordered through the Print Production web site. A box of 500 #9 envelopes costs $30.00.
Contact Karen at to have a new approved Business Reply Envelope created for your department.