SAB Special Events Presents: The Evasons


Contributed by Alyssa Frey

 The Student Activities Board presents world-renowned Psychic Mentalist Duo - The Evasons!

TONIGHT at 8pm in Emerson Suites. Admission is FREE.  

The show is total audience participation. They choose students out of the audience to be part of the show and you could be one of them!  

The Evasons will read your mind and reveal things about you that nobody could know. Tessa will tell you the name of your childhood pet or the first person you ever kissed. She knows your date of birth and your Grandmother’s first name.   

You’ll see predictions about the future and even watch a student levitate. They demonstrate Mind-Over-Body and move objects with their minds. One particular thing they do is so bizarre and scary that it always gives people goosebumps! This slick blend of interactive demonstration, comic relief and spellbinding entertainment is definitely not a magic show.  There are no gimmicks, no wires, no hidden microphones.  In fact, the Evasons offer $100,000 to anybody who can prove otherwise.  

The experience defies explanation.  And maybe that’s why the crowds go wild at every show.  

The Evasons mind-blowing feats of psychic magic will have you sitting on the edge of your seat! They have performed for audiences in over 28 countries and on numerous TV specials on FOX, NBC, Discovery Channel, CBC, CTV and The Comedy Network.  

For more information about The Evasons, check out their website at

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Alyssa Frey at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.