Earn 3 credits in Biology over winter break!


Contributed by Kimberly Anderson

How does my family history affect my health? Do genes make someone gay? Is my personality more influenced by genetics or my environment? Explore these questions and more in a new 12-day online course designed specifically for non-biology majors. 

BIOL 10700,  Human Genetics 12 day online course: January 7-18, 2013 No prerequisites, fulfills general education science requirement   In this course we will explore real-world issues in human genetics with an emphasis on personal health using videos, interviews, blogs, mini-conferences, and online research.  The 12-day course is fun, interactive, fast-paced, and personalized to the goals and interests of each student.  The course is centered around several core projects that give students the opportunity to explore topics of their own interest and research their own family history.   Register now on Homerconnect.  For questions about the course, contact instructor Erica Marx at emarx@ithaca.edu.

