Thank you to the School of Music faculty, staff and students for their participation in the 2012 New York State School Music Association Annual Conference. Held last weekend in Rochester, NY, the Ithaca College School of Music was applauded for displays, presentations, performances and parties. Attendees enjoyed performances from the Jazz Ensemble and Choir, with many faculty members traveling to present at the conference. The alumni gathering Friday evening attracted more than 100 music educators and their guests.
Activities Featuring Ithaca College Faculty and Students:
Thursday, November 29
“Improvisation Using Simple Melodic Embellishment [1, 2, 3]”
Mike Titlebaum
“Good Vibrations: An Analysis of String Instrument Vibrato [2, 4]”
James Mick
Friday, November 30
“Preparing the Undergraduate Musical Theater Audition [1, 2]”
Brian DeMaris
“How to Turn Your Back Row Players into Front Row Musicians”
Aaron Tindall
“Jazz Rhythmic and Melodic Development”
Mike Titlebaum
“Breaking Through to “Ah-ha”: A Creative Process for Developing
Vocal Technique and Artistic Singing”
Carol McAmis
“Fundamentals for the New Clarinet Teacher: Technique,
Repertoire and Reeds [1, 2]”
Richard Faria
Ithaca College Jazz Ensemble
Mike Titlebaum, Director
Music Education Contribution Award Lawrence Doebler
Featured Evening Concert
Ithaca College Choir
Saturday, December 1
“Sing, Play and Create All in 20 Minutes: Tips and Techniques for the Pre-K through Sixth Grade Elementary Class [3]”
Emily Mason
“Avoiding Music Advocacy Pitfalls”
Chad West
“Clarity and Communication in Conducting [1, 2, 3]”
Janet Galvan, Rebecca Reames
“Culturally Affirming Music Education for
the Elementary Classroom [1, 4]”
Baruch Whitehead
School of Music Staff and Administration in attendance included Craig Cummings, David Pacun, Thomas Kline, Christy Agnese, Christine Gregory and Molly Polk. Thank you for gathering conference materials, manning the booth, speaking with students, planning the alumni events and for being great team members!