DAC Invites Students to Join Talking Circle on Race and Racism Spring 2013


Contributed by Paula Ioanide

Have you ever had a question about race but were too scared to ask or didn’t know how to ask? How do you know racism when you see it? How do you experience racism? How do you think racism has affected your life? How do you cope with the effects? Do you think you are responsible, in any way, for eliminating racism? 

Ithaca College students are invited to come together in a safe environment to share feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a sustained, confidential, frank dialogue around issues of race and racism. The Diversity Awareness Committee will initiate a Student Talking Circle facilitated by professionals from the Multicultural Resource Center. The Talking Circle will be made up of 20 racially and ethnically diverse students who will meet once a week for five consecutive sessions to self-reflect, share experiences, and learn from others’ perspectives and attitudes.

When? The Student Talking Circle will meet on Tuesdays, 5:30pm-7:30pm, Feb 5, 2013-Mar 5, 2013

Who? We’re looking for a good mix of people from all races, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and creeds. DAC will select up to 20 students from the applicants.

How? Interested students should complete the PDF application on DAC's website at ithaca.edu/sacl/committees/diversity

Deadline: Please submit completed applications by January 28, 2013.

Questions: Please direct questions to Paula Ioanide at pioanide@ithaca.edu. For more information on the Talking Circles, please visit the Multicultural Resource Center's website: multicultural-resource.org/

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Paula Ioanide at pioanide@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-5789. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

