Ithaca College in the Media


Contributed by Anonymous

Quoted in the media: Faculty members Rachel Wagner and Scott Hamula; students Noreyana Fernando, Evan Nison, Michael Kaneff and Kristen Tomkowid; and staff members Rachel Reuben and Rob Engelsman. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

University Business
October 25, 2012
Rachel Reuben, associate vice president of marketing communications
The new digital advertising order

November 8, 2012
Rob Engelsman, multimedia content specialist
Do it yourself - #LifeatIC

Religion Dispatches
November 2, 2012
Rachel Wagner, associate professor of philosophy and religion
Escape from Manhattan: Tech, tragedy and storytelling in Sandy’s wake

The Sunday Times
November, 2012
Noreyana Fernando, Ithaca College student
It was the demographics, stupid
November 16, 2012
Evan Nison, Ithaca College student
Pot law activist a leader at 22

December 5, 2012
Scott Hamula, associate professor of strategic communication
4 old school marketing methods that still work

Reading Eagle
December 8, 2012
Michael Kaneff, Ithaca College student
Son visualizes cure for mother’s disease

Religion Dispatches
December 7, 2012
Rachel Wagner, associate professor of philosophy and religion
Photo of a dying man: All the wrong reasons

College Lifestyles
December 8, 2012
Kristen Tomkowid, Ithaca College student
Healthy and realistic new years resolutions