Dear Professor,
The EDUCAUSE & Internet2 Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC), an organization that works to improve information security and privacy programs across the higher education sector, is promoting its fifth Information Security Awareness Student Video & Poster contest.
One of the goals this year is to reinforce participation in the contest by working with professors to initiate school projects using the completed video and/or poster as a project or extra credit assignment. EDUCAUSE & Internet2 have designed the contest timeline to coincide with the spring semester, setting the entry deadline as March 8, 2013.
The contest seeks creative, topical, and effective videos (two minutes or less) and posters that focus attention on information security problems and how best to handle them. Students compete for cash prizes, sponsored by CyberWatch and the National Cyber Security Alliance. One gold, one silver, and one bronze placement will be awarded to the winners in each of three categories: short training or instructional video; 30-second public service announcement; and poster. Honorable mention prizes will also be awarded. Please see the website for more information at
We hope you will consider encouraging your students to take an active role in the 2013 contest. Previous winners gained national recognition by being acknowledged in online publications such as The Chronicle of Higher Education, InformationWeek, and ZDNet Education. Winners will also be featured on the HEISC website and heavily promoted through October, National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
Rules and guidelines for the contest, as well as examples of previous winners, are available at
Even if this contest does not harmonize with your coursework for spring, we would still greatly appreciate your help in promoting it. This contest can serve as an excellent opportunity for students to gain experience, earn recognition, and win cash while in college. Please distribute the message below as you see fit.
We have provided a promotional flyer, which we have attached as a PDF for your convenience. You can also download it from the EDUCAUSE website at
Additional inquiries can be directed to the HEISC staff at 202-872-4200 or e-mail
Thank you for your help.
Kris Monroe, Co-chair of the EDUCAUSE & Internet2 HEISC Awareness and Training Working Group