In August 2012 Ithaca College launched an Effectiveness and Affordability Review and partnered with a consulting firm, Huron Education, to assist the college with this process and provide an outside perspective. Huron held listening sessions on campus, conducted independent research, and benchmarked the college among its peers in order to assist the college in identifying and making recommendations on the following:
Recommendations developed by Huron Education are now posted at Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students who have an active Netpass user ID and password can review the recommendations and provide feedback through the Sakai website from January 17 to February 11, 2013.
It is important to note that these are recommendations being made to the college, not an approved action plan. The Ithaca College Board of Trustees will vote on a plan in May that will be put forth by President Rochon, with insight from the campus community, the Institutional Effectiveness and Budget Committee (IEBC), and President’s Council. To review the process outlined by President Rochon, see
A video will also be posted to the Effectiveness and Affordability Review website, in which President Rochon will provide context for students on the Huron recommendations and the overall Effectiveness and Affordability Review initiative.
How to view the recommendations
Current Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students may use this link to enter Sakai and log in with their Netpass user ID and password. Users cannot access the recommendations by logging into Sakai directly. Once you follow the link above to the special Sakai site, there are two ways to view the recommendations: by themes or by units and key topics. The content is the same for each view, just organized differently. Select your preferred viewing option on the left sidebar.
How to post feedback or new ideas
Each page includes recommendations from Huron with supporting slides, a section for official unit responses, and a link to the related discussion forum. The discussion forum allows users to post feedback to new or existing comment threads. Users are encouraged to post feedback and to keep their comments constructive and collegial.
If you were inspired by a thought in one of the recommendations or want to submit a new idea, select the navigation in the left sidebar entitled “Other opportunities not mentioned – submit your ideas” and post a new thread.
Official unit responses
Each recommendation may include one or more official unit responses. Official unit responses are written by the leaders of the college units most affected by each recommendation. All official unit responses should be sent via email to, and they will be posted to the Sakai site as they are received.
If you need assistance navigating Sakai and/or this site, please contact the ITS help desk at 4-1000 (607-274-1000) or, or stop by the office in 104 Job Hall.
More information and general questions
You can learn more about the Effectiveness and Affordability Review at the EA Review website. Please email any questions you may have to