Take advantage of the more than 350 concerts offered each year by the School of Music. A full listing of all concerts and events is available at www.ithaca.edu/music/events/ and this week's are listed below.
Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at www.ithaca.edu/music/live.
Tuesday, January 29
8:15 Hockett Family Recital Hall
Faculty Chamber Music: Jean Radice, harpsichord and organ; Brad Hougham, baritone; Carl Johengen, tenor; Marc Webster, bass
Music of the Early Baroque and Thirty Years' War: Purcell, Schütz, Froberger, and Scheidt
Saturday, February 2
7:00 Hockett Family Recital Hall
Faculty Chamber Music: Verdi Project
Operatic excerpts and piano transcriptions by Liszt from Verdi’s operas. Faculty members Deborah Montgomery-Cove, soprano; Dawn Pierce, mezzo-soprano; and Charis Dimaras, piano; plus selected voice and piano students
Sunday, February 3
4:00 Ford Hall
Symphony Orchestra
Patrick Valentino, graduate conductor
Michael Davidman, High School Piano Competition Winner performing the first movement of Saint-Saens’s second piano concerto, along with music of Beethoven and Strauss’s Death and Transfiguration
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the School of Music at 607-274-3717. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.