Professor Srijana Bajracharya, presented a paper titled, “Sustainability Education: A Collaborative Service-Learning Intervention” at the International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Responsibility in Hiroshima, Japan on 23rd January, 2013.
This project, “Sustainability Education: A Collaborative Service-Learning Intervention” was a product of two Internal grants (Creative, Collaborative, and Community Service and/or Service Learning Projects in 2010 and the Partnership in Teaching Program Clynes Collaboration Grant, 2011) that were awarded by Ithaca College.
The members of the audience were among many international faculty and administrators of sustainability programs from countries like, Australia, Japan, Scotland, Philippines, Indonesia, and other universities from the US. The main objective of this presentation was to inform the participants about how a graduate level content course such as Environmental Health can be used to educate school children by collaborating with local community agency and school as well as using service-learning features.