A lively discussion with Filmmaker Beate Arnestad and Prosecutor Brian Wallace moderated by Professor Peye Soyinka will follow the screening.
Ithaca College will screen "Telling Truths in Arusha" , a powerful film by Norwegian Filmmaker Beate Arnestad on February 11, 2013 from 7-9 p.m. A discussion will follow.
“Telling Truths in Arusha” follows the case of Father Hormisdas, who was put on trial by a United Nations tribunal 15 years after his alleged involvement in the 1994 Rwandan massacre. Prosecutor Brian Wallace vigorously pursues the case but with little hard evidence, the Norwegian judge, Erik Møse, has to base his judgment solely on witness testimony — and their versions of “the truth.”
The documentary explores the complexities of seeking justice after genocide. Arnestad handles the subject with deep sensitivity as she follows the legal processes that seek to bring about justice after genocide. Unique courtroom access makes this a documentary of rare insight.
This screening and discussion are taking place in conjunction with a class on International Human Rights Litigation being taught at the college this spring by Scholar in Residence Sonali Samarasinghe, who was one of the subjects of Arnestad’s most recent film, “Silenced Voices.”
A lawyer and journalist who focused on government corruption in her native Sri Lanka, Samarasinghe fled the country with other members of her family in 2009 following the assassination of her husband. “Silenced Voices” tells the story of the civil war in Sri Lanka from the point of view of journalists who have faced threats for exposing war crimes, corruption and massacres of civilians.
The Ithaca College Honors Program sponsors the screening and discussion, with co-sponsorship from the Departments of Politics and Writing
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Kim Wojtanik at kwojtanik@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3409. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.