Congratulations to the OTM Winners for December and January. Due to winter break, both months will be recognized in February. These winners have shown true leadership and commitment to Ithaca College. Our December Regional Winner is determined by NRHH chapters across the New York and New England Region. We are happy to congratulate two dedicated cleaning staff on their regional recognition. Boothroyd Hall has been deeply impacted due to their kindness. On behalf of the National Residence Hall Honorary, thank you for you dedication and excellence!
December Regional Winner:
Residential Life Faculty/Staff: Krysti and Rich
December Campus Winners:
Residential Life Faculty/Staff: Krysti and Rich (Boothroyd Hall)
Resident Assistant: Samantha Noreyana Fernando
Student: Marissa D'Ambrosio
January Campus Winners:
Residential Life Faculty/Staff: Dave Westgate
Resident Assistant: Chanel Cohen
Campus Honorable Mentions:
Cody Garrett
Isabelle Glass
Dellareese Jackson
Liam Kavin
Mike Lamb
Amanda White
To learn more about Of The Month Awards and the National Residence Hall Honorary, visit our website: