The James B. Pendleton Award for Completion of Cinematic Works is intended to make our strongest projects ready for film festivals by providing funding for the costs of finishing your project. This includes but is not limited to: 16mm film cost, lab processing and telecine, film transfer fees, duplication fees, and festival and conference submission fees.
Eligible Projects: Eligible projects must be produced under the auspices of Thesis Cinema Production or any Advanced Cinema Production course offered in the Spring 2013 semester. All projects from these courses, regardless of origination or exhibition format, are eligible.
Application Process: To apply, you must submit three clearly labeled DVD or Mini-DV copies of the project at its current completed state, and a complete and detailed budget which specifically identifies the costs intended to be covered by the grant. The deadline for applications for the Spring 2013 awards is Friday, April 5th. Submit application to Barb Terrell in Park 357 by 3:00 p.m. Incomplete applications will be discarded.
The Award: The award is a reimbursement grant, which means that the producers will submit receipts for identified items in the budget, and then will receive funds up to the amount of the grant. The number of awards, the projects awarded, and the amounts of the grants are decided by a faculty panel based on the copy of the project in its current completed state. It is in the applicant’s best interest to submit as finished a project as possible.