Robert Hackey, Ph.D., Director of the Health Policy and Management Program at Providence College to Present "Cries of Crisis" on March 4th


Contributed by Molly O'Shea Polk

Join us on Monday, March 4th at 7PM in Job Hall 161 as we welcome Robert Hackey, Ph.D., Director of the Health Policy and Management Program at Providence College. Dr. Hackey's presentation will focus on his new book which draws upon political speeches, newspaper coverage, television shows, and movies to demonstrate how continued talk of crisis has shaped public attitudes towards the American health care system from the 1960s to the present day.

In the book, Hackey argues that while talk of a health care crisis is commonplace, crisis stories shed little light on what to do to fix the system. To ensure the long term success of health care reform, he argues that reformers must link proposals to change the health care system to deeply-held American values.

Learn more about Dr. Hackey and his latest book "Cries of Crisis: Rethinking the Health Care Debate" here:

Sponsored by: School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, Departments of Health Promotion and Physical Education, Communication Studies, Politics, and Economics at Ithaca College, and the Sloan Program in Health Administration at Cornell University.

Refreshments will be available.

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