Heather Schuck from Campus Center and Events Services took two first place positions in the Area 10 Toastmasters speech contest, representing Ithaca College. On Saturday, February 23rd in Cortland, members from four local clubs competed in two speech categories for International and Tall Tales, which Heather received first place for both. First and second place winners move on to the Southern Division Contest to be held on April 13th.
Every year, local Toastmasters clubs compete at the club level. Club winners then advance to the area contest, the area contest winner advances to the division contest and the division winner advances to the district contest. The only contest that advances beyond the district level is the International Speech Contest. For the International Speech Contest, the district winner advances to the International Speech Contest Semifinals held at the International Convention. Winners of the semifinals compete in the World Championship of Public Speaking.
Congratulations Heather! The IC Toastmasters Club wishes you luck on your contest journey!
To find out more about the IC Toastmasters Club and membership visit their website at http://ithacacollege.toastmastersclubs.org.