Do you stand out in the IC campus and community? Are you a leader in student organizations? Have you earned a GPA of at least 2.75?
If so, then congratulations, Student Government has the scholarships for you!
The Ithaca College Student Government Association will be accepting applications for both the Student Government Association and Margaret D. Reid scholarships from Friday, March 1st through 5 PM on Monday, March 18th.
To be eligible for the Margaret D. Reid scholarship, you must be a rising Junior or Senior, having accumulated at least 60 credits by the start of the Fall 2013 semester. Applicants must demonstrate student leadership and/or involvement in the IC community, have a GPA between 2.75 and 3.599, and must have good judicial standing as determined by the Office of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs.
To be eligible for the Student Government Association Scholarship, you must have all the same criteria listed above, but with a GPA of 3.6 or higher.
Students may only apply for the scholarship that fits their GPA criteria; they may not apply for both.
All scholarships will be awarded according to need as determined by the Office of Financial Services. Please note that you do not need to be currently receiving financial aid to be considered for the award, and that United States students must have filed the FAFSA in order to be considered.
An email will be sent to all eligible students with a link to the scholarship application. Please attach a resume and cover letter along with your application, along with any additional essays the scholarships require. Again, scholarships are due at 5 PM on Monday, March 18th.
Recipients will be notified by Monday, April 15th.
Questions or comments may be directed to:
Isuru Perera-Somasighe
Vice President of Academic Affairs, Ithaca College Student Government Association
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact SGA VP of Academics at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.