Ithaca and Nazareth Graduate PT Students Present at NYPTA District Meeting


Contributed by Debra Perkowski

On March 6, 2013 the Finger Lakes District of the New York Physical Therapy Association (NYPTA) held their spring meeting at the Ithaca  College - Rochester Center.  In addition to a student social and business meeting, PT Club Presidents Kaitlin Clark (Ithaca) and Kristen Carey (Nazareth) collaborated on the first student organized meeting with presentations from Ithaca and Nazareth graduate PT student.  The event was well attended by students, clinicians and faculty.  

The event was titled, "Continuing Education:  Evidence  Bases Topics Synopsis and Case Report Presentations" and included the following presentations:

"Managing the Elderly Patient with Osteoporosis s/p Pelvic Fracture" presented by Kaitlin Clark, Student PT Ithaca College

"Evidence Based Practice:  Diabetes and Foot Care Management in Physical Therapy" presented by Justine Picciano, Student PT Ithaca College

"Comprehensive Intervention Plan for an Individual with a Full Hip Disarticulation due to an Aortic Dissection" presented by Michael Sells, Student PT Nazareth College

"Utilizing Circuit Training for a Patient with CHF in the Home Environment to Demonstrate Increased Strength and Endurance" presented by Rachael Waugh, Student PT Nazareth College