SGA Response to Campus Wide Survey


Contributed by Rory Rothman


Student Government Association has just finished compiling the results of its annual Campus Wide Survey. The survey was emailed to all students a month ago, and was posted on Intercom and other online social media platforms. We received over 200 responses, and of course the survey is far from scientific, but SGA uses the results of the survey to help guide initiatives for the year to come.  Think of it more like a suggestion box and less like a political poll. It’s important to note that because of the nature of the survey, only the students with the loudest opinions would be inclined to respond, but SGA’s function is to investigate and provide recommendations for improvement on all areas of student concern. 

 As an organization, SGA cannot wave a magic wand to resolve the problems that were reported, but we can begin to put in place a process to change them. We will be establishing student task forces to address the major concern areas, which are as follows:

·      Ithaca College Internet

·      Homerconnect Issues

·      Campus Dining

·      On Campus Entertainment/A&E Center Functionality

·      Student Parking

·      Sustainability

·      Campus Climate and Diversity 

Some in our community have been made aware of comments provided to SGA that were indicative of concerning racial undertones on campus. This of course is an issue that is much more complex than nuts-and-bolts college policy. It’s important that we as a campus take this opportunity to address this head-on. As we move forward in this process, SGA plans on holding a series of public conversations about campus climate and diversity issues, with a date and time to be determined.

For more information on how to participate in the forum and/or task forces, sign up for our email list at this address: or look to intercom in the coming weeks.  SGA is always committed to ensuring that student concerns are addressed, and you may contact SGA at or me at if you would like to raise an issue you feel as though we missed.


Rob Flaherty, Student Body President



*Please Note*  All students received this notification via email.