Loans and credit cards are so easily attainable - that now - debt is something that many of Americans have in common. By controlling your personal debt and making it work for you, you can eliminate that “drowning” feeling and begin to feel the stress melt away as you use your debt to reach your financial goals.
CNN Money provides us with some helpful tips and facts about the American Debt Crisis:
For many more tips on controlling your personal debt check out these great resources!
Also come to "The ClearPoint Story," our Work/Life Lunch and Learn on April 19th from 12:00pm-1:00pm in the Peggy Ryan Williams Center, HR Conference Room (GL52). RSVP's are appreciated to or 274-8000.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Katie Sack at or (607) 274-1208. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.