Sociology and Gerontology Students Present Research in Boston


Contributed by Sharon Loucks

Five Sociology and Aging Studies students presented their research at the Annual Meeting of  the Eastern Sociological Society on March 22 in Boston.

Benjamin Maust  (2014, Sociology)
Perceptions of of ‘Biddies’ and ‘Bros’: Gender, Sexuality and Hooking Up

Yilmaz Suleyman Yoruk (2013, Sociology)
Analysis of the Military Milieu and Peer Acceptance Sensitivity: Implications on Veterans Seeking Help with Mental Health Issues

Grace Goodhew (2013, Aging Studies, Mgmt & Adm)
Retirement Savings: Perceptions versus Reality

Melanie Schneiderman (2013, Sociology)
Sexual Harassment and Women in Management: A Missing Link

Jillian Doyle (2013, Writing, Sociology)
Breaking Gender Boundaries: The Case of Women Weightlifters