In the fall of 2013, Ithaca College officially launches its new Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC). In preparation for the campus-wide curricular changes, one of the responsibilities is the development of rubrics aimed at assessing how well students meet the learning outcomes of the new program.
A volunteer team formed early this semester to identify potential rubric elements and facilitate broader faculty discussion with the intended outcome of finalizing assessment rubrics for each component of the ICC. The assessment team has developed the rubrics for the four Perspectives, Writing Intensive, and Academic Writing I courses in close consultation with faculty members directly involved with the creation of courses falling under these ICC fields. We are now opening the conversation regarding these rubrics to the entire faculty for feedback. Your feedback will be used to modify the rubrics as needed.
Please respond to the anonymous survey by Friday March 29
If you are unable to view the draft rubrics within the qualtrics survey, the drafts are also available at by clicking on the documents section at the bottom left of the page and looking in the folder titled ICC Assessment Rubric Drafts.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
The ICC Assessment Rubric Team
Julie Dorsey, Dave Brown, Tom Girshin, Brendan Murday, Chrystyna Dail, Mary Silva and Aimee Ellis