Take the Ithaca College-TC3 archaeological field school!


Contributed by Jack Rossen

Work on an archaeological dig locally and get six inexpensive credits!

The field school is directed by Jack Rossen, Dept of Anthropology (jrossen@ithaca.edu). It runs from May 28-July 3, 2013 (6 credits, transferable). The 2013 field school will investigate the Myers Farm site, a 13th century Cayuga village. We are continuing our long-term investigation of the origins and early development of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. Archaeologists have long maintained that the Confederacy was formed rather recently, either just before or after the arrival of Europeans (A.D. 1450-1650). The Haudenosaunee maintain that their confederacy is over 1,000 years old, and recent archaeological discoveries support this earlier date.

This archaeological field school is a collaborative effort between Ithaca College and Tompkins-Cortland County Community College.


Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm

There will also be discussion breaks, visits to archaeological sites, museums, the SHARE Farm, and  guest speakers.


In-state (provide copy of certificate of NY residence):

Credits fee: $139/credit, 6 credits                                                                   $834

Technology fee (non-TC3 students): $14/credit                                               84

Transcript fee                                                                                                       20

ID fee                                                                                                                    10


Total                                                                                                                 $948


Credits fee: $288/credit, 6 credits                                                                  1728

Technology fee (non-TC3 students): $14/credit                                               84

Transcript fee                                                                                                           20

ID fee                                                                                                                      10


Total                                                                                                                $1842



Most students are commuting. Students in need of housing may stay in the Ithaca College dormitories at additional cost. We may also arrange housing or sub-let with other students.


We will be organizing car pools for transportation to the site.

How to enroll:

Students may enroll at the TC3 office on the Ithaca Commons (6th floor, 118 N.Tioga St.) or via the web at www.tc3.edu. All students may obtain a statement of my permission to take the course, which will save you the task of providing a transcript to prove prerequisites.


Please get in touch with any questions or comments.

Jack Rossen

Associate Professor & Chair

Department of Anthropology

jrossen@ithaca.edu 607-274-3326 office

