Global Citizens for Health
Getting Involved: Taking Action for a Healthier World
Food Sovereignty and the Global Hunger Games
Dr. Philip McMichael
International Professor, cornell University
Monday, April 1, Textor 102 7pm- 8 pm
Women’s Health and Human Rights: Is it a Missing Link? What Can We Do?
Dr. Padmini Murthy.
Director of Global Health New York Medical College
Thursday, April 4, Textor 102 7 pm-8 pm
Malaria: Global Risk Requires Global Solutions
Dr. Laura Harrington
Professor, Cornell University
Wednesday, April 17th Klingenstein 7 pm-8 pm
Sponsored by: Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Amy Frith, Assistant Professor Health Promotion and Physical Education, at or 274-5135. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.