The integration of exam reports into Sakai has gone very well and as a result Course Evaluation reports have also been integrated into Sakai. As is the case with the exam reports, this integration will provide a greater level of security for the evaluation reports and will allow for a higher level of efficiency for Computer Operations. The following summarizes the changes and the ITS Optical Scanning Website will also be updated to reflect them. Information about the Optical Scanning integration of Course Evaluation reports will be available within Sakai on your school's Optical Scanning tab as well.
Course Evaluation Reports
All Course Evaluation reports will be electronically delivered to Administrative Assistants via a Sakai Drop Box. Hard copies of the reports will no longer be provided by Computer Operations, but these reports can be printed from the Administrative Assistants Sakai Drop Box. Administrative staff will be notified when a report has been placed in their Sakai Drop Box via the Sakai messaging tool. To assist you in identifying your Course Evaluations, the course number, course name and instructor’s name will be embedded in your Course Evaluation reports. In order to accommodate this naming convention the students will need to use the Instructor’s last name and first initial (i.e. Weeks.K) in the name area of the respondent’s bubble sheet. The students will also have to include the entire course number including the section in the ID area of the bubble sheet. (i.e. 90100-01) This will be the only means of identifying the bubble sheets when they’re picked up.
Course Evaluation Request Form
The Course Evaluation Request Forms have been revised and as a result the old forms should be discarded. The new forms are available on the Optical Scanning Website or at the Help Desk.
ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall