Join Student Government!
SGA elections are coming up, so it's time for you to live out your life long dream of serving as a member of the Student Government Association!
SGA is a wonderful opportunity to be directly involved in the campus. Senators have the ability to produce bills which lead to significant changes in the IC community.
Election packets are available on the SGA website: Packets will be due April 5th no later then 5pm in the SGA office, located on the third floor of Campus Center in the Student Activities Center.
All positions will be open for election:
- Executive Board (President, VP of Academics, VP of Business & Finance, VP of Campus Affairs, and VP of Communications)
- Class of 2014 Senator (4)
- Class of 2015 Senator (4)
- Class of 2016 Senator (4)
- School of Business Senator
- School of Health Sciences and Human Performance Senator
- School of Humanities and Sciences Senator
- School of Music Senator
- Park School of Communication Senator
- Transfer Senator
- International Student Senator
- Graduate Liaison
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations or any questions about the election process, should contact We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.