School of Music's Chad West published in music education journal


Contributed by Jenny Stockdale

Chad West, Assistant Professor of Music Education at the School of Music, was published this month in the Journal of Music Teacher Education, a peer-reviewed publication sponsored by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and the Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE).

West’s article, titled “Developing Reflective Practitioners: Using Video-Cases in Music Teacher Education,” discusses the process of reflective thinking and its importance to preservice teacher education, among other topics, and can be viewed online as an abstract on the journal’s website. West authored a second article, titled "Preparing Middle School Music teachers to Teach Jazz," that JMTE accepted for publication at the end of March; it will soon be available online as well.  

JMTE disseminates research of any methodology related to music teacher education, and is considered the premier journal in music education related to music teacher preparation. It’s available full text online to any of the 100,000 NAfME members who indicate an interest in music teacher preparation.

West teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music education at IC’s School of Music. His degrees are from University of Michigan (Ph.D.), University of Georgia (M.M.Ed.), and Arizona State University (B.M.). Prior to his appointment at Ithaca College, Dr. West taught music education at Adrian College and was the Allen P. Britton graduate teaching assistant at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He has 8 years experience as a public school band director and served as the Associate Conductor of the Atlanta Wind Symphony.

West's research has also been published in the Journal of Research in Music Education,the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Arts Education Policy Review, UPDATE: Applications of Research in Music Education, and Contributions to Music Education. He is the author of two chapters in the forthcoming, Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research in American Music Education and is a frequent presenter at state and national music conferences on the topics of beginning jazz improvisation, band arranging, retaining students from middle school to high school band, preservice music teacher education, qualitative research design, and mixed methods research design.