New Training Registration System Launched!


Contributed by Sharon M. Beltaine

ITS is pleased to announce the launch of a new training registration system at Ithaca College! The system will be used initially by Financial Services (FS), Human Resources (HR), and the Technology Learning Center (TLC), with other campus groups joining this summer. The vendor for the new system is GoSignMeUp, a company that provides hosted online registration system solutions to many colleges, universities, businesses, and school systems. 

All students, staff members, and faculty members at Ithaca College may use the new system to sign up for sessions using the standard IC Netpass username and password authentication method. From the home page, or from a section of the main catalog, users may select a training session, place it into a "cart," authenticate, and submit the request to enroll.

Users may start the registration process from the IC Online Sign-Up System home page, from the Financial Services (FS) section, from the Human Resources (HR) section,  or from the Technology Learning Center (TLC) section. 

To use the new system, follow these steps:

1. Choose the topic, date, and time of the training session you wish to attend

2. Click "Add to Cart" or click on the link to the description, then click "Add this to my list of chosen courses"

3. Select additional topics to add to your cart, if you wish

4. Click "Checkout."

5. Enter your IC Netpass username and password and click the "Login" button.
(The first time you enter your IC Netpass username and password, a page showing your contact information will appear. Disregard the data in the greyed-out fields.)

6. Click "Submit."

7. You will receive an e-mail message confirming your registration.

For more information about the new system, contact Sharon Beltaine by sending an e-mail message to or calling 607-274-1045.