On May 1 at 5:30pm, Wings of Springs will present its annual site-specific dance event on the Ithaca College campus, beginning in the Academic Quad outside Campus Center. This year’s production, “The Sounds of Spring”, features the collaboration of students in varying disciplines.
The Producing Theatre class produces and promotes this dance production, with Modern Dance and Ballet students choreographing and performing. In addition, each year, new programs across campus join the Producing Theatre class to collaborate and enhance the Wings of Spring site-specific dance event.
This year, the Producing Class is pleased to host an after-dance reception with curated themed art pieces from Department of Art students. Victoria Rice (Art ’13), Jacob Peters (Writing ’14), and Tristan Wells (CMD ’14) will showcase art works on the concept of “The Sounds of Spring.” A majority of the pieces are sculptures with a twist – sound! Sound sculpture is a time-based art form in which sculpture or any kind of art object produces sound. The picture featured is an example of these sound sculptures using piano strings amplified to create an intriguing standing guitar. This interactive art exhibit will be located at the end of “The Sounds of Spring” performance, beside the Dillingham Fountain. The public is invited to share refreshments and drinks after the show!
For more information on Wings of Spring and on this year’s event, go to http://www.icwingsofspring.com/ and join us on May 1 at 5:30pm in the Academic Quad outside of Campus Center!
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Angela Branneman at abranneman@ithaca.edu or (607) 274-3600. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.