Finalists Identified for the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreational Sports


Contributed by Molly O'Shea Polk

On behalf of the search committee for the Director for Intercollegiate and Recreational Sports, we are pleased to announce the visits of our three finalists.  The three finalists are scheduled to visit the campus the week of May 5, 2013 and students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend the open sessions. The candidates have been asked to discuss “The role of athletics and recreational sports in higher education today” during their visit. 

The three finalists are:

Timothy Wheaton, Associate Director of Athletics, Harvard University

Open session is Monday, May 6th, 1:15-2:10pm, Taughannock Falls Room, Campus Center

Michael Lindberg, Associate Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, Ithaca College

Open session is Wednesday, May 8, 11:30am-12:25pm, Business 301, Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise (School of Business)

Susan Bassett, Director of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation, Carnegie Mellon University

Open session is Friday, May 10th, 1:30-2:25pm, Ithaca Falls Room, Campus Center

Feedback forms with brief biographies will be provided at the open sessions and the search committee welcomes your feedback.  Password protected curriculum vitae for the finalists are available at Provost Search Site.

I wish to thank the highly dedicated search committee members for their outstanding work in bringing in an extremely qualified group of finalists, and a special thank you to Karen Emnett for her outstanding support services.  The search committee members are Mike Welch, Mindy Quigg, George Valesente, Paula Miller, Paul Hesler, Kent Scriber, Tracy Rivas, Megan Wagner, Wenmouth Williams, Ernie McClatchie and Margie Arnold (Chair).

Thank you,

Margaret L. Arnold, Ph.D.
Special Assistant to the Provost
Associate Professor, Recreation and Leisure Studies