Are you a right-handed native speaker of English and at least 55 years of age? We are seeking older adults with or without hearing loss for a research study evaluating hearing and cognition in aging.
Participants must not have a diagnosis of a neurological condition or history of cognitive, speech, language, or memory impairments, or history of a learning disability.
The hearing tests and cognitive tests can be completed at separate times (total testing time is approximately 3 hours). You will receive a FREE hearing evaluation – an $80 value! You will also receive a $15.00 check upon completion of the study (NOTE: checks take approximately 2 weeks to process and Ithaca College employees are not eligible for payment).
If you are interested, or have any questions, please contact the Adult Cognition and Language Lab at (607) 274-7406 or email Yvonne Rogalski, (put “Hearing Tests” in the subject line).
Prior to participating in the study, we will contact you by phone and ask you to answer some screening questions (~5-10 minutes).