In the past, the most common format for faculty and staff usernames has been first initial and last name, such as "bstaffmember". For students, the format has been first initial, then first 6 characters of the last name, and then a number, such as "bstuden1".
Beginning with May 2013 graduates, a student's assigned username will be used as their permanent username, regardless of their role at the college. This takes effect immediately as their role transitions from student to alumni. For example, if a student subsequently becomes an IC faculty or staff member, their username will continue to be the username they were assigned as a student, not a new username with the faculty/staff format. Also, if a person works at the College as a staff member and then leaves their position to become a full time student, they will keep their original staff-formatted username as a student. Therefore, going forward, it will no longer be possible to distinguish a student from a faculty/staff member based on the presence of a number in their username.
This is part of a new initiative that will allow each person to have one permanent identity with the college, regardless of whether they are a student, faculty/staff member, or alumnus. It will also allow for an IC community member to have multiple roles at the college without having to maintain multiple accounts.
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