Office of Human Resources Will Move to New Division


Contributed by David Maley

President Tom Rochon has announced that the Office of Human Resources will move from its current home in the Division of Finance and Administration to the Division of Legal Affairs, resulting in the establishment of the newly named Division of Human and Legal Resources, led by vice president and general counsel Nancy Pringle. The change will be effective July 1.

“The faculty and staff are our most precious resource in delivering and supporting a high-quality educational and residential experience for our students,” said Rochon. “This move will elevate the human resources function as a leadership partner, ensuring that it is fully represented in college thinking and strategy as we continue to adapt to a rapidly changing higher education landscape.”

Pringle notes that there are already a great many connections between human resources and the equal opportunity compliance and risk management functions that have long been part of her division.

“This new strategic partnership provides an exciting opportunity to further strengthen the services provided to our campus community,” said Pringle. “It allows for the creation of new collaborative initiatives in support of our employees and the work we all do for the benefit of our students.”

Mark Coldren, associate vice president for human resources, will report directly to Pringle. He says the realignment fits well with his office’s mission, which includes finding the best and brightest to serve the college, promoting respectful relationships and balanced lives, providing programs and services to reward and support faculty and staff, and leading through expertise in the HR profession.

“We are excited by this new reporting relationship and the integrative environment it will help foster as we develop strategies, initiatives, and services to assist the college faculty, staff, and student employees in being effective and productive,” said Coldren.