Looking for Tips on Nutrition, Wellness, Exercise, Events and a Fun Prize?!


Contributed by Katie Sack

Then you'll want to "like" our Mind, Body, Me Facebook Page and help us spread the word! 

The Mind, Body, Me Facebook Page is full of great nutrition and exercise information, wellness tips, events, blog posts and more! Share our page with your friends and ask them to "like" it as well!  

When we receive 200 likes we will give away a wellness prize to a randomly chosen Facebook follower! 

The contest starts July 22nd and ends August 19th, 2013. You have one month to spread the word for a chance to win a great prize, so tell everyone you know to "like" the Mind, Body, Me Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MindBodyMeIthacaCollege.

Wondering what Mind, Body, Me is? Visit our webpage here: https://www.ithaca.edu/hr/benefits/wrklife/mindbodyme/.

If you would like to join Mind, Body, Me or have any questions? Please contact us at mindbodyme@ithaca.edu or call 4-8000.

