Attn: H&S Faculty and Staff!
Do you have a guest speaker or event but a lack of venue?
Look no further!
The Handwerker Gallery is looking for departments & faculty to collaborate with for some open spots in our programming calendar for Fall 2013. For the dates listed below, preference will lean towards departments who are interested in collaborating on cross-disciplinary speakers whose presentations are pertinent to the exhibition up at the time (although we are open to loose interpretations here!).
The Handwerker Gallery is wheelchair-accessible and can comfortably seat up to 80 people for events (and up to 115, less comfortably). Standing fire-capacity is 300 persons. The space is equipped with a projector/speakers/microphone/podium/chairs appropriate for lectures, film screenings, readings, and low-impact workshops. Tuesdays/Thursdays currently open on our calendar are listed chronologically with exhibitions below, in bold. Remember, other dates can be made available, so contact Mara ( if you're looking for particular timing.
The Marcellus Shale Documentary Project
August 26-September 27, 2013
Curated by Laura Domencic
The six photographers of the Marcellus Shale Documentary Project have taken on the responsibility of telling, in the best traditions of social and environmental documentary, the complex story of Marcellus Shale gas drilling in Pennsylvania. For the best part of a year, they have traveled across the Commonwealth, meeting people and listening to and recording their stories.
Tuesday, September 3
Thursday, September 5
Tuesday, September 10
Tuesday, September 17
do it
September 30-November 8, 2013
Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist
Do it began in Paris in 1993 as a conversation between Obrist and the artists Christian Boltanski and Bertrand Lavier. Obrist was concerned with how exhibition formats could be rendered more flexible and open-ended. This discussion led to the question of whether a show could take “scores,” or written instructions by artists, as a point of departure, each of which could be interpreted anew every time they were enacted. For the Ithaca College version of the exhibition, students and faculty will come together to build an exhibition from scratch over the course of two weeks, following directions from world-renowned artists like Yoko Ono, Sol Lewitt, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, and David Lynch.
During the month of October, Tuesdays and Thursdays are being held aside for IC's participation in The Big Draw: International Campaign for Drawing. You needn't be An Artist to have a great idea for a drawing event/game (ie. Drawing to music, drawing a timeline, chalking a mural)-- contact Mara ( and she'll help you out!
Solo Exhibition: Benjamin Entner
November 12-December 15
Curated by Mara Baldwin
Entner's work explores the liminal spaces between sculpture and drawing; solid, liquid, and gaseous forms; obsession and humor. Drawing inspiration from the Ithaca College collection of Metropolitan classical plaster casts, Benjamin Entner will embark on a new body of work exploring sculptural interventions using all the tools at his disposal: inflatable statuary, fictitious museum labels, live performance, historical reference, sarcasm, and parody.
Tuesday, December 10