Join us for "Office Ergonomics: Setting Up a Comfortable Workstation"


Contributed by Katie Sack

Are you currently experiencing discomfort at your workstation, or have you experienced this in the past? Your workstation should not cause you pain, but instead should support your health and productivity.

Join us as Julie Dorsey and Lynn Gitlow (Department of Occupational Therapy) present "Office Ergonomics" at noon on 09/13. This is an overview of the principles of office ergonomics. They will also offer suggestions for how to modify your workstation and work habits, many of which can be implemented immediately with little to no cost. This will be an interactive workshop so bring your questions!

WHEN: Friday, September 13, 2013 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm

WHERE: Peggy Ryan Williams Center, Human Resources Conference Room (GL52)

Bring your lunch and a friend! RSVP's are appreciated to or 4-8000.

Work/Life: We believe in the integration of work and life outside of work.

Mind, Body, Me Members: This Lunch-and-Learn is worth 10 points!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Katie Sack at or (607) 274-1208. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.