Mail Services Has a New Package Tracking System! Read All About It!


Contributed by Karen Serbonich

New this semester!! A new package tracking system that will allow Circle Apartment residents to pick up ALL their packages at the Circle’s Mail Room between 11am and 5pm Monday through Friday. 

The package tracking system will include in the subject line, the location (Phillips Hall Post Office, Mail Center or Circle’s Mail Room) and the place where it is stored. For example MF03 =Mail Center Floor Section 03 or PS01 = Phillips Hall Shelf 01. 

If we process a number of packages to you in a short period of time you will receive one email and the storage locations will be listed in the body of the email.

Add to your address book so that the package email notifications do not go into your SPAM folder.

At this time you can disregard the reminder emails that you are receiving.

The new system automatically generates a reminder email when an item has not been picked up after 3 days, 6 days and 9 days. You will not receive reminder cards in your mail box like in years past.

Ship away, order items online and send mail to campus. We are currently holding all mail and packages for students that will be living on campus this semester.

Mail Rooms will not be staffed. Only mail and items without tracking numbers that can fit into a mail box will be sorted into mail boxes. All other items will receive email notifications.

We are open Saturday 8/24, Sunday 8/25 and Saturday 8/31/13 from 10:30am – 4:45pm for package pick up. This includes the Circle Apartment Mail Room.

Contact Mail Services at 607-274-3371 with questions