Faculty Members Needed for Shared Governance Research Task Force


Contributed by Peter Rothbart

At the last Faculty Council meeting, the Council voted to take the next step in developing the idea of Shared Governance on our campus, by unanimously passing a motion to establish and charge a Shared Governance Research Task Force. The President is in support of the Task Force and the process it underlines, so the Council is now seeking nominations for three positions.

If you are interested in this opportunity to potentially reshape the governance structure of the college, please submit a brief statement of interest and any relevant experience to me, by Wednesday, Sept. 4 (rothbart@ithaca.edu). The Faculty Council Executive Committee has been tasked with selecting representatives.



 Shared Governance Research Task Force

1.     To research, examine and recommend putting forth for discussion a variety of Shared Governance structures suitable for adoption and implementation at Ithaca College;
2. To articulate all of the potential pros and cons of each structure recommended.
1.     3 Faculty Members chosen by Faculty Council;
2.     3 Administration members chosen by the President and Provost or by such means as they derive.
1.     The Task Force reports directly to Faculty Council and the President and Provost;
2.     The Task Force should endeavor to complete its study by January 1, 2014, but may extend that date as needed.





